domingo, 20 de dezembro de 2009

Things you should know about the cold

1- Don't think you'll not feel cold just because your city just snow once in a century. Cold is cold, with or without snow.
2- If it’s about 50F don’t get out with an all star: your feet are going to freeze when the temperature arrives to 40F.
3- If you are going by bike don’t go with a wool jacket, the wind is a bad guy. Don’t go without a scarf and don’t forget your gloves.
Once again: the wind is a bad guy either for slow velocities as a bicycle.
4- If there is someone in the street with just a tshirt and a face of “I’m not feeling cold” ignore it. This person probably just arrived from Canada this morning.
Today is going to be under 40F? Bloody hell, why not snow at once? At least I have an excuse to stay at home ...

Merry bloody cold Christmas for all you…

2 comentários:

Unknown disse...

The wind is your worst enemy in the cold. Just protect yourself from the wind, and everything you be fine. And eventually, you will get used to the cold. And it only snows when temperature is around 32F, or below... :P

eer.. disse...

por que não vi isso antes de 31 de dezembro? =)